Attention to All Current and New Clients

Holistic Colon Hydrotherapy Center, believes that vitality begins in the gut. This is why we are inviting you to stay proactive by getting regular colon hydrotherapy sessions in order to stay healthy.

As we all know, the foods we are eating are full of chemicals, pesticides and food additives that mess up our digestive system. Do not stay-at-home feeling miserable.

Remember, that you're health is your best asset!

Please call us, text us or send us an email from the website to schedule your appointment. Miss Marie will take great care of you.


Specials package:

1.   1 colonics sessions: $105.00
2.   2 colonics sessions: $195.00
3.   3 colonics sessions: $305.00
4.   4 colonics sessions:  $400.00

Packages are non-refundable and non transferable. You will have 6 months from the purchase day to use them all. Each colonic session will last 45 minutes. Contact the owner if you have any questions.

Colonic Options

We accept all major credit cards:
Visa Debit Card, Master Card, American Express